UU Catskills Bylaws
The UU Catskills Bylaws exist to support and enhance the functioning of our congregation. Bylaws are important in laying the groundwork for any organization. Although written in legal language to satisfy governmental requirements, bylaws also tell the story of our congregation. They encapsulate the vision, hopes, and dreams of the congregation and are also a last resort in cases of disagreement on legal matters. They help the congregation govern day-to-day functions such as committees and board structure, as well as deal with infrequent situations such as the calling of a minister and the purchasing of real estate. For all members, bylaws provide a roadmap for getting involved in key decision making.
The UU Catskills Bylaws, amended 2019, as well as the Unitarian Universalist Associations Bylaws and Rules, are available here in PDF format.
Also included are the following agreed to resolutions, in PDF format.