You really cannot volunteer. UU Catskills is your place, your community. You are no more a volunteer here than when you care for your own children, mow your own lawn or clean your own house. We can all serve our community. The experience won’t always flow smoothly, but the result will be rich and ultimately satisfying. We all have a part to play in that. The life of our congregation depends on our willing participation.
Opportunities to Serve
Hospitality includes making coffee and tea, donating and serving soup, salad and sandwiches, and cleanup after Sunday services.
Help with Religious Exploration (RE). There is always a need for people to help with children and youth. Our Safe Congregation policy requires two adults to be present in each class, so even if you are unable to teach, you can be an “angel,” providing the needed adult supervision. Contact our Director of Religious Exploration, Jane Podell, janepodelluu@gmail.com, if you are interested.
Memorial Garden. Work with others on the care and upkeep of our Memorial Garden, the way we honor those we love who have died.
Buildings and Grounds. Speaking of care and upkeep, there is always a need of help with mowing the lawn, raking leaves and small or large odd jobs around the buildings and property. Contact Bill Lindsay, our Buildings and Grounds chairperson, if you’d like to help, wlindsay1121@gmail.com.
Several other committees and teams are necessary to the smooth running of our congregation. If you can help, contact the office at uuccoffice@gmail.com or call (845) 331-2884. Help of any kind is greatly appreciated. We need you!