CHAIR: Bill Lindsay
B&G Committee has the general duties of building and property maintenance and repair. It also presents a budget to the Board of Trustees in the Spring to plan for yearly expenses.
Rev. Dr. Margret A. O’Neall
The COSM meets once a month.
The five areas of concern for the COSM are:
Assessment of the Congregation
Education of the Congregation regarding our mission and covenant
Consultation with the minister and board on policies and issues as requested
Recommendations to the minister, board or other committees
Conflict management of controversial issues that may arise
The Finance Committee meets quarterly or as needed.
It pursues the following objectives:
1. Quarterly review of financial reports to ensure income/expenses are in line with budget, given our circumstances.
2. Assist Treasurer/Bookkeeper with any questions, issues.
3. Advise Board, others, on annual budget development and any out-of-the-ordinary occurrences (e.g., Capital Campaign)
4. Advise Treasurer on placement of funds that are beyond what is needed in checking for day-to-day operations.
Envisions and develops fundraisers for UU Catskills
Recruits volunteers to staff, set up, and take down events
Budgets, projects profits, sells tickets, and advertises events
Provides preliminary and final reports about events to the BoT
Provides monthly committee reports to the BoT
CHAIR: Jerelynn Mason
Welcome, incorporate and sustain frequently-attending newcomers, new members, and lapsing/absent members
Promote activities and fundraising events to newcomers and new members
Focus on the Committee’s goals of increasing the number and diversity of UUCC’s membership
Stay in touch with other committees as appropriate
Maintain a staffed, informative Welcome Table
CHAIR: Karl Beard
MUSIC DIRECTOR: Catherine Cattabiani
Foundational to Unitarian Universalism’s Seven Principles is the concept of a living tradition where we engage with the times we live in and work for a more just world for all. At UU Catskills, social justice work is lead by working groups or task forces, with our full Social Action Committee meeting four times year to ensure that we are responsive to the desires of the congregation and that we are engaged with our wider community. We strive to support intersectionality in our congregational engagement and through a coordinated events calendar.
To obtain, operate and maintain the hardware, software and other devices necessary to provide sound, lighting, Internet and video capabilities in the sanctuary.
To recruit and train individuals to operate this equipment and, where appropriate, to train representatives of outside organizations using the same.
To maintain the capability for services held in the sanctuary to be broadcast over Zoom and, together with the Worship Committee, to broadcast the record these services, including publishing these recordings to YouTube were appropriate.
To explore ways to improve the experience of Zoom attendees, including facilitating them to be heard and seen in the sanctuary where appropriate. This includes remote worship leaders.
To explore ways to improve the experience of those attending in the sanctuary, including with respect to hearing assistance. -
The Website/Communications Committee seeks to promote the UU Catskills "brand" through social media and email. It maintains the UU Catskills website and takes the lead in any significant design changes. Committee members also maintain and oversee our Facebook account and other social media as appropriate. Committee members maintain our domain ( and our generic email forwarding accounts (e.g.,,, and several others). The committee meets rarely unless there is a major project being undertaken.
CHAIR: Catherine Cattabiani
The Worship Committee supports the Minister and the Congregation in ensuring that inspirational and engaging Sunday morning Worship Services are provided throughout the year. The committee works closely with the Minister to create a sounding board and incubation chamber for new ideas, opportunities, and formats for worship as they arise. Committee members serve as Worship Associates each week, and take the lead in organizing and leading services when the minister has Sundays off. It also is the repository for feedback, suggestions, and issues that the Congregation may have concerning Worship Services.
The Directors of Music and Religious Exploration are active members of this committee, assuring coordination of music and a quality experience for those of all ages each week.