Hands-on Light Touch for your Animal Companion
Keep you and your pets healthy and vital with Jin Shin Jyutsu®, a light touch body therapy that anyone can learn. All you need are your hands. Jin Shin Jyutsu® is an ancient art of balancing the body’s energy system through light touch to facilitate healing and restore the body to a more harmonious state of being. Come learn how to use the health that is in your own hands for yourself and your animal companion. This work can be applied to any animal – dogs, cats, horses, chickens, elephants… It is not necessary to bring your pet, but you may bring your well-behaved and socialized dog or a well-behaved facsimile of your companion.
The class will be taught by Jed Schwartz, an international instructor for the Mary Burmeister Jin Shin Jyutsu® Institute since 1995. Jed has a full-time Jin Shin Jyutsu® practice in Woodstock and New York City.
Fee: $20, Saturday, March 28, 10-12pm. Please register early; class size is limited to 20. Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Catskills (Farmhouse), 320 Sawkill Road, Kingston. To register, contact Lois Slade, 845-417-6903. All proceeds go to UU Catskills.