Watch an award-winning documentary about indigenous communities–from your own home–and join in an online discussion afterward.
UUCC, in conjunction with the Unitarian Universalist Ministry for the Earth, will be screening The Condor and the Eagle on Tuesday, November 30 at 5 pm (1 hour and 22 min.) There will be a discussion following the movie on Zoom. Our congregation’s newly-formed Social Justice Committee brings us this opportunity to reflect on our common purpose: to honor the Earth and its Indigenous communities.
The Condor and the Eagle is rated 9.4/10 on IMDB and has won praise at numerous festivals. The Condor and The Eagle documentary offers a glimpse into a developing spiritual renaissance as the film's protagonists learn from each other’s long legacy of resistance to colonialism and its extractive economy.
A freewill online offering will be taken to benefit indigenous communities. However, no payment is required to watch the film.
You can find out more about the film at
If you would like to see the film and cannot be there November 30th, other dates are available; see this website for more details.
Zoom details for discussion following film:
Meeting ID: 919 4299 3800
Passcode: 539315
One tap mobile
+16465588656,,91942993800#,,,,*539315# US (New York)